Home Important Days and Dates in the month of OctoberImportant Days and Dates in the month of OctoberApril 26, 2020May 26, 2020by SKSImportant Days and Dates in the month of October October 1: International Day for the Elderly October 2: Gandhi Jayanthi; International Day of Non-Violence October(first Monday): World Habitat Day October 4: World Animal Welfare Day October 8: Indian Air Force Day October 9: World Post Office Day October 10: National Post Day; World Mental Health Day October 11: National Girl Child Day October 2nd Thursday: World Sight Day October 13: UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction October 14: World Standards Day October 15: World Students Day; World White Cane Day (guiding the blind) October 16: World Food Day October 24: UN Day; World Development Information Day October 30: World Thrift Day October 31: National Unity Day Browse More Posts Important Days and Dates in the Month of MayImportant Days and Dates in the Month of May May (1st Sunday): World Laughter Day May (1st Tuesday): World Asthma Day May… Important Days and Dates in the month of SeptemberImportant Days and Dates in the month of September September 2: Coconut Day September 5: Teachers’ Day September 8: International Literacy Day… Important Days and Dates in the month of December Important Days and Dates in the month of December December 1: World AIDS Day December 2: National Pollution Control December 3: World… Important Days and Dates in the Month of JanuaryImportant Days and Dates in the Month of January January 1: Global Family Day January 4: World Braille Day January 9: NRI… Important Days and Dates in the month of NovemberImportant Days and Dates in the month of November November 5: World tsunami day November 7: National Cancer Awareness Day November 9:… Important Days and Dates in the month of JulyImportant Days and Dates in the month of July July 1: Doctor’s Day July 6: World Zoonoses Day July 11: World Population… Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Name Email Website Comment *